Uso de materiales
Plumas HARELINE Pelos y Pieles Dubbing Chenille y Yarn Hilos/Floss/Wire/Tinsel Flashabou Rubber Legs Aquanova    Floating Fly Lines    Sink Tip Fly Lines    Leader Herramientas de atado Accesorios/ otros Anzuelos Daiichi Breathable Waders Cañas mosqueras TFO Líneas, Leaders y Tippets RIO Float Tubes (Botes) Prensas Carrete TFO con Bobina adicional Cajas mosqueras Productos LOON PESCA TRADICIONAL/SPINNING Portada Mat. atado de moscas FLYMEN


This lines are the best choice when fishing sub-surface in fast moving water. the line get the fly down deep into the feeding zone, while giving anglers the ability to mend the line for a natural drift. the fast sinking tip compliments weighted flies or split shot precision depth control. the high floating rear section allows anglers to mend, while watching for strike indications where the line breaks the surface. this is the ultimate for fishing streamers-nymphs-wets and steelhead flies in fast or deep water.

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Ultimo actualizado: Tuesday, 21 May 2024 11:33

Av. Irarrázaval Nº 5185 Oficina 210. Ñuñoa - Santiago - Chile. Telefono: (56 - 2) 25 03 4479 - Email: southern.anglers@gmail.com